Some websites are free, and some charge a fee for the itemizing. In addition to your itemizing, you could wish to think about a quantity of marketing ways like Craigslist, print advertisements, sharing on social media and telling friends and family. Researching the selling prices of comparable properties is a great first step for each house consumers and sellers who want to maximize their funding and guarantee they’re being sensible of their expectations. When comparing houses, it’s necessary to not only look at houses in an identical area, but additionally houses which may be similar in size and have related options. If a “similar” home down the road sells for $350k, for instance, however has a totally renovated kitchen, while your kitchen is unique to the home, it’s probable that yours will sell for much less. Even with suitable events, the leaseback requires cautious crafting to guard everyone, significantly the buyer-cum-landlord, who carries a lot of the threat.